Wines of Albania




Shesh i Bardhë is a dry or semi-dry wine with a medium to high body, a pleasant mineral taste, and a fresh taste in drinking. It is a harmonious wine with a well-balanced content of alcohol, tartaric organics, tannins, etc. It contains 10-13% alcohol by volume and 6-7 g/l tartaric acid. The yield of Shesh i Bardhë wine production reaches up to 65%. Shesh i Bardhë wine is harmonious. It has a light fruity aroma (pear, peach, apricot, lemon, pineapple), floral, and like mountain tea, but also a slightly bitter and somewhat harsh taste. The color is yellow-green or pale chestnut. Aging Shesh i Bardhë wine softens the harshness sometimes felt in this type of wine. From the late-harvested Shesh i Bardhë grapes, sweet wines with much interest can be produced. It is used as an aperitif or accompanies the eating of starters, especially with seafood, low-fat cheeses, etc. Shesh i Bardhë is produced throughout the country, especially in regions with a cool and cold climate. Wineries that stand out for the production of this wine are ALFRED in Cërrik – Elbasan, ALIMANI – Tirana, ALPETA in Drobonik – Berat, ARBËRI in Rrëshen – Mirditë, BALAJ in Trevëllezër – Vlorë, BARDHA in Vorë – Tirana, BEJKO – Përmet, BELBA – Kavajë, BELLO in Perlat of Sukth – Durrës, ÇOBO in Ura Vajgurore – Berat, GJERGJ KASTRIOTI SKËNDERBEU in Rrazhbull – Durrës, HERTA in Maminas – Durrës, ERSI in Naraç – municipality Vau i Dejës, ISAK – Delvinë, KALLMET – Lezhë, KOKOMANI – Shijak/Durrës, LUNDRA in Lundër – Tirana, SHEHI in Farkë – Tirana, TUGU in Lundër – Tirana, VERA in Librazhd, ZADRIMA in Hajmel – municipality Vau i Dejës, etc. From the Shesh i Bardhë grape, the BALAJ winery in Trevëllezër – Vlorë and BELLO in Perlat of Sukth – Durrës produce an orange-colored wine that is truly quality