Kallmet i Zi is a high-quality wine, known for centuries in Albanian lands as well as in the Illyrian Peninsula and in other European countries. Kallmet wine was a symbol of the principality and the noble family of the Blinisht area, then the Dukagjini family. Since the Middle Ages, Kallmet wine was even sent to the Vatican; Catholic believers fulfilled their tithe obligations to the church with Kallmet wine. This fact is also evidenced by Frang Bardhi, a priest and linguist who in 1635 published the “Latin-Albanian Dictionary”. Over the centuries in various European states, Kallmet wine has been named: Kadarka (Hungary), Nero di Scutari (Italy), Raisin Noire de Scutari (France), Shwartzes and Skutariner (Austria and Germany), Skadarka (Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia, etc.). The names Kadarka and Skadarka are associated with the city and region of Shkodra. Kallmet i Zi wine is explosively stylish, light, and pleasant to drink. It has an intense red-violet color or blackish red, which is above the average level of red wines. It is a high-quality dry wine, full-bodied to moderately distinct, well-balanced, and dense. It contains 12 – 16% alcohol by volume and on average 5.5 – 6.5 g/l tartaric acid tannin. This type of wine has a particularly aromatic scent of violets, apples, and blueberries/blackberries. When mature, it develops a floral and herbal bouquet and when aged, a bouquet with hints of rosehips, forest fruits, red fruits, vanilla. It ages well because it contains many polyphenols, especially anthocyanins that prevent oxidation of the wine, thus in aged Kallmet wine a much-liked bouquet of flavors develops. It contains a relatively high amount of tannin, therefore it is worth aging for 2-3 years so that the tannin can develop slowly and evolve. The organoleptic/ sensory assessment for Kallmet wine has also been given by two French and Spanish oenologists: “A red wine with a garnet/ruby color with a distinguished and undeniable personality. It has a very fine bouquet and a very good taste.” The well-known expression “Kallmet is the king” constitutes the Albanians’ forthright appreciation for this symbol of our viticulture and winemaking. At the Thessaloniki fair as early as 1903, the Kallmet wine of the Suma family from Shkodra was honored with a diploma of merit. In the 1930s, Kallmet wine won medals at the Bari Thessaloniki fair. Over these 20 years of the 21st century, many wineries from Albania with Kallmet have won prizes at a series of international fairs. There are three distinct styles of Kallmet wines according to the respective regions where the grapes and Kallmet wines are produced: Malësi e Madhe (mainly the Municipality of Koplik), Shkodër, and Lezhë (respectively the municipalities of Hajmel and Vau i Dejës and Kallmet), Mirditë (Municipality of Rrëshen). The consumption of Black Kallmet wine pairs very well with baked meat, aged salami, mushroom dishes, etc. A traditional pairing is drinking Kallmet wine accompanied by a meal of baked fërgesë