Vlosh i Zi is produced from grapes with light red skins, therefore especially when aged it has the color of onion skin and approaches a rosé wine. It is a very full-bodied wine, rich in special aromas that come because the grape skins are wrinkled from the stronger sun exposure in Southern Albania. It is also produced as a sweet wine. Vlosh i Zi has been known since the Illyrian period and was a symbol of great Albanian families: Muzaka, Shpata, Topia. In the municipality of Roskovec (Fier), there is the village of Vlosh. This wine contains 12-14% alcohol by volume and tartaric acid 5.5 – 6.5 g/l, hence when tasted, it stands out with its attractive bitterness/acidity. Due to the higher tannin content in the mouth and especially on the tongue, it has an astringent taste. It is a full-bodied wine with a light but intense bouquet. It is widely used for blending with other wines, especially with Cabernet Sauvignon must to strengthen the color because it is light. The main areas of production of Vlosh grapes and wine are Narta and especially the hills of Kanina, Trevëllëzër, and Zvërnec (Vlorë), alongside the coast of the Ionian Sea and the regions of Delvinë, Berat, and Fier. From the Vlosh grape must, sweet wines and liqueurs are also produced. Wineries that stand out for the production of Vlosh wine are: BALAJ in Trevëllëzër – Vlorë, ÇOBO in Ura Vajgurore – Berat, FABA in Fier. Alongside Vlosh i Zi, Vlosh i Bardhë wine is produced in very small quantities, mainly in the coastal region along the Ionian Sea